12 definitions by Fatrazmo

The state of someone who does not have a t.v. and mooches off their friends to watch the NCAA basketball tournament.
Riaz has Mooch Madness, he has been at W.C.'s all weekend watching the tourney.
by Fatrazmo March 20, 2011
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It is when you taunt someone in a titillating way. I.e. Taunt someone with your genitals.
That girl sure knows how to tauntillate a guy. I was so tautillated when she wagged her sexy Khaki clad legs at me and said "you Can't have none"
by Fatrazmo March 3, 2011
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Abbreviation for the Mikey Wang Memorial Award. Which is an award given out by "The Decider" at a dinner party hosted in Omaha Nebraska every year. The dinner is on a different day every year but always around Christmas. The Award is given to the best friend of the family.
Tim won the MWMA last year he is in good company.
by Fatrazmo December 17, 2010
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1. A muffin you keep in your pocket when you are leaving the place where you got the muffin.

2. A sex act where by a woman is pleasured by someone sticking their hands in her pocket.
I am glad I took this pocket muffin because I am starving.

I am glad I took part in this pocket muffin because I was board.
by Fatrazmo December 20, 2010
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The American god of gluttony. We celebrate his feast day on the fourth Thursday in November. His greatest accomplishment was consuming a large bird whole. American's honor him by attempting to repeat this feat.
Thanksgivous set a great example for us when he consumed that bird whole. All should honor him.
by Fatrazmo November 29, 2010
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February 22nd. It is a day for everyone to celebrate America by Posting U-S-A-U-S-A-U-S-A where ever they have a digital presence. It is the anniversary of the Miracle on Ice which is credited with the creation of the U-S-A Chant.
February 22nd 2011 is the first annual International U-S-A Chant Day. I plan to celebrate by Tweeting U-S-A-U-S-A-U-S-A.
by Fatrazmo February 1, 2011
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A continual streak of invention or innovation. Named after the great American Inventor Thomas Edison who invented over a thousand things including motion pictures and the phonograph.
"Riaz is Edisoning right now. He just invented three new cocktails and coined a new killer word Pocket Muffin.
by Fatrazmo November 28, 2013
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