438 definitions by ERIC

"Eric, stop poking me with your deeder." Ann Cap
by ERIC October 21, 2004
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1. to be awesome

2. the state of being beyond cool, but not quite righteous or gnarly

3. Surfer slang giving something a high quality in comparison to other options or things
Hot Chick: I think you're a cool guy, wanna do something?
Dude: Awesomeness...
by ERIC May 17, 2004
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You know you can't trust that piss bag cunt, she sleeps with niggers!
by ERIC April 11, 2005
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The name of a game played 24/7/365 by people who know of its existence. The game is played by first saying "Shenanigans", then, the person who said it is allowed to hit or otherwise hurt anyone within earshot of them at the time that they said it. The main target tends to be the groin on males and the chest on females. People who are within earshot when "Shenanigans" is said must say the word "Mulligan" as soon as they hear it to prevent being a target. If someone is hit either before or while you are saying the word "Shenanigans" or after they have said "Mulligan", you are considered to have cheated and they get a free hit on you. Note that saying "Shenanigans" lasts indefinately until each person within earshot has said "Mulligan"
Bob: "SHENANIGANS!" *smacks Tom in the groin*


*Bob hits Tom in the groin*
Tom: oooh, that's a free hit! *smacks Bob in the groin without penalty.*
by ERIC February 9, 2005
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kicked back or chilled out ,as in "Cold day chillin' ", i heard it first in the movie friday,i think ice cube said it
"we be straight Co'day chillin up in this..."
by ERIC October 23, 2003
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Best RPG period. Actually realistic setting unlike Dungeons and Dragons and that gay shit. Who needs wizards, magic, and swords when you can have plasma rifles that melt flesh right off of peoples bones, whores, mutants, drugs, armor that makes you look badass, and blowing people up to human sausage. Created by Black Isle
by ERIC January 16, 2005
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An ultra sexy person with an ultra sexy fighting ability.
Eric Chung is a Tegtrammaton Cleric
by ERIC April 13, 2004
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