105 definitions by Dunky Oggins

A small sex toy (vibrator) used by women.
Thatcher faced public derision when she dropped her handbag during the Remembrance Day service and out fell her pocket pleaser.
by Dunky Oggins November 20, 2003
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"Phillip, now that fox hunting is illegal, let's stay in this afternoon for some blood sports" said Elizabeth with a twinkle in her eye.
by Dunky Oggins December 10, 2003
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June was in a bad mood: she wanted some parallel parking with Alec, but he had a headache.
by Dunky Oggins November 10, 2003
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I stuck my bacon bazooka into her bearded oyster and we did some horizontal jogging.
by Dunky Oggins November 1, 2003
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to masturbate while replicating the actions and motion of intercourse, for example by thrusting against a rolled-up pillow.
i saw Thatcher on tv the other day, and had to rush upstairs for a fuck wank.
by Dunky Oggins October 28, 2003
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sex, especially as a conjugal right.
Alec told June to get upstairs straight away. After all that hard work gardening he fancied a fish supper.
by Dunky Oggins November 1, 2003
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excrement clinging to the hairs around the anus
I had to use a wet flannel to get rid of that damn dilberry.
by Dunky Oggins October 25, 2003
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