50 definitions by Dumugian

Someone who gets angry so easily and often calling names on everyone and often complains about people do not agreeing with him, the term is often used to people who get easily angry, offended, triggered or mad on the Internet or who have mental breakdowns so easily on the Internet, both of them because of arguings on the internet or disagreements or bullying/trolling. Angrycakes are the most preferred target of bullycakes for getting angry so easily and having mental breakdowns and/or triggering so easily.
You're such angrycake, avoid bullycakes for the gods' sake and do not returning chatting with any bullycake again.
by Dumugian November 14, 2021
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Someone who gets angry so easily and often calling names on everyone and often complains about people do not agreeing with him, the term is often used to people who get easily angry, offended, triggered or mad on the Internet or who have mental breakdowns so easily on the Internet, both of them because of arguings on the internet or disagreements or bullying/trolling. Angrycakes are the most preferred target of bullycakes for getting angry so easily and having mental breakdowns or triggering so easily.
You're such angrycake, avoid bullycakes for the gods' sake and do not returning chatting with any bullycake again.
by Dumugian October 27, 2021
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Name of someone who unironically support NAAZ (North America Autonomous Zone) and/or who want the "Hearts of Iron 4: NAAZ World" mod to be made only for play as NAAZ all the time. NAAZtard is also used by BLM supporters and anarchists who unironically support NAAZ and want to turn NAAZ into reality by any possible means.
You're such NAAZtard bro, you're supporting the creation of NAAZ by any possible means.
by Dumugian October 13, 2021
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Antiantimetaphysicalism, also anti-anti-metaphysicalism, is the opposition to antimetaphysicalism (anti-metaphysicalism), mostly by the support of the metaphysicalism and the development of critics and counterarguments towards antimetaphysicalism.
Antiantimetaphysicalism opposes antimetaphysicalism.
by Dumugian October 16, 2021
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OTMSN+ is an initialism that stands for Otherkin, Therian, Mythical, Starseed, Non-human and more, the term is used by refer to people who do not identitfy themselves as humans, mostly by being otherkin, therian, mythical, starseed or non-human, it's quite common the use is the initialism OTMS, that includes the main groups that are otherkins, therians, mythicals and starseeds, for OTMSN+ individuals, but the use of the OTMSN+ initialism is mostly used since it includes all individuals and not just the OTMS ones.
The OTMSN+ movement might become a thing soon, it's already a thing, what lacks is the union between the groups that are part of them.
by Dumugian October 18, 2021
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Atheist Trauma Syndrome, also shortened as ATS, is the name of a mental condition provoked due to massive hardline (new) atheist information and due to things that (new) atheists and atheist zealots often say on the Internet, one of the most common traits of this syndrome is that when an individual struggles with leaving atheism or a set of atheist beliefs or information that has led to them become atheist or think that atheism is right about religion and spirituality, it often have the same symptoms of religious trauma syndrome, but being about atheism, mostly about new atheism, militant atheist, atheist fundamentalism and scientism.
Atheist Trauma Syndrome is actually a thing, but sadly there's not a lot of studies about that and only few people actually study about such syndrome, it's mostly common between ex-atheists and people who used to watch atheist YouTube channels, read atheist sites and blogs and follow atheist accounts on social media.
by Dumugian November 7, 2021
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Atheist Trauma Syndrome, also shortened as ATS, is the name of a mental condition provoked due to massive hardline (new) atheist information and due to things that (new) atheists and atheist zealots often say on the Internet, one of the most common traits of this syndrome is that when an individual struggles with leaving atheism or a set of atheist beliefs or information that has led to them become atheist or think that atheism is right about religion and spirituality, it often have the same symptoms of religious trauma syndrome, but being about atheism, mostly about new atheism, atheist fundamentalism and scientism.
Atheist Trauma Syndrome is actually a thing, but sadly there's not a lot of studies about that and only few people actually study about such syndrome, it's mostly common between ex-atheists and people who used to watch atheist YouTube channels, read atheist sites and blogs and follow atheist accounts on social media.
by Dumugian October 27, 2021
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