459 definitions by Dubiks

1. something that has gotten way less common in schools due to the increased amount of distaste people have for physical violence
2. The process in which 2 people fight each other (only fists) in order to gain popularity, a personal item they have, defend oneself, or to release testosterone
3. What causes a bunch of people to start filming and yell "Worldstar"
person 1: Dude, why u gotta hit out of my juul dude (pushes person 2)
person 2: I needed a hit nibba, u know that my juul ran out a few days ago
person 1: IDGAF, I don't want u using my juul (pushes person 2)
person 2: (throws punch)
(fist fight breaks out)
by Dubiks April 13, 2019
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1. When you fuck someone who is related to you
2. What white-trash rednecks often do in their free time because no other woman wants to date them
3. A, for some reason, popular type of cartoon porn among hentai sites
4. What the Oedipus complex is based on
5. An illegal act that could lend you to 10+ years in jail, so be careful
6. What you technically commit every time you have sex, if you consider your 1000th cousin your relative
7. The reason we are alive today. Think about it, if the first bacteria family from 3 billion years ago didn't fuck each other then we wouldn't be here today
*example of incest*
I just fucked my 69th cousin
by Dubiks May 20, 2019
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An evil even Lucifer himself wouldn't wish upon anyone.
satan: "So, how is your time in hell?"
Me: "Not that great. I'm dealing with major depression right now."
satan: "Oh shit! Sorry to hear that."
Me: "Yeah I've been dealing with it for a couple of years now so."
satan: "Damn! well I'll make sure to take it easy on the torturing with you since you're already going through enough."
Me: "Thanks."
by Dubiks December 14, 2018
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The most destructive thing a human being can experience. This terrible illness claims the lives of hundreds of thousands of people per year worldwide in the form of suicide and even organ failures.
You find yourself falling in a forever loop down a dark, hellish pit, away from the desired state of happiness. The thought of being awake disgusts you as you'd much rather not even exist or be in an alternate universe away from the hellish state you are currently in. Your heart gets polluted by darkness and the numbing pain that follows with it. Your soul gets crushed by all the weight of self doubt and hatred. Your goals and dreams end up getting destroyed by the cruel state of reality as they wash away in your imagination. You feel worthless. You feel like you could die right this second and nothing worthwhile would change. You see everyone else enjoying life and wonder to yourself how little they know about how truly horrifying the world really is. Your veins are filled with so much self-hatred that you'll gladly harm yourself or even others as a way to cope. You know how much you'd upset your friends and family if you were to take your own life, but you also feel as if it is the only route to happiness and that they'll understand that later on.

That's what depression feels like. If you're experiencing anything that I mentioned above, talk to someone, anyone. Don't let the destructive grips of depression hold you back from experiencing the life you want.
by Dubiks August 24, 2018
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A funny phrase or object that makes you laugh your ass off
*example of joke*
What new spell did Harry Potter learn after he beat his sex addiction?

Answer: the dry spell

by Dubiks October 14, 2018
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The state you put someone in when u knock them out in a fight
Imma put his ass to sleep
by Dubiks May 2, 2019
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A person who instills obedience and conformity instead of independent thought
A bureaucrat advized me to keep working for my shitty boss even though he verbally abuses me
by Dubiks March 2, 2019
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