24 definitions by Drunkenbeaverexploitationsects(FRATZ)

1. To credit or assign, as to a cause or source; attribute; impute.
2. To attribute or think of as belonging, as a quality or characteristic.
I ascribed her as a sexy fox with no brains who needs to hop in my bed and play Where's Waldo?.
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Is same as frats, but this has a z.
If you type fratz instead of frats, your cool factor will go up 1029387 points!!11
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Black-and-White, referring to old Black-and-White movies.
Back in the day, BnW was all you could get... now people only use it to look cool and/or relate to past BnW movies...
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The alternate definition only tells half the story; this big-boned female will get a taste of the cock, but then her hunger will overtake her. She'll rip off the penis, chomp into the hip, rip off your legs and put 'em in BBQ sauce, then put the rest of you in a deep fryer.
What the HELL are you doing you hungry hippo? AUUGHH MY PENIS.... AUUGHHH MY HIPS.... AUGHH MY LEGS.... NOT THE DEEP FRYER...! AUUUUGHHHHH....
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1. Progress.

2. Signs of said progress, often used in relationships to mark reasons why they should still stay together.

3. The time interval or distance between two vehicles, as automobiles, ships, or railroad or subway cars, traveling in the same direction over the same route.
1. Headway in a career.

2. John Doe: "You have to give me some headway here, I'm trying..."

3. Suzie Q: "He's not giving me any headway, I'm gonna pull alongside him and honk my horn and give him a piece of my mind!"
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1. One of the bony, permanent, hollow paired growths, often curved and pointed, that project from the upper part of the head of certain mammals, as cattle, sheep, goats, or antelopes.

2. A synonym for penis, named after the similarities to the first definition. Both are hard, permanent, curved and pointed.

3. An instrument for making a noticeable sound, often used on vehicles such as cars, motorcycles, bicycles, etc.

4. A trumpet.

5. A symbol of power or strength.
Bob: "I saw his huge animal with horns on the road, so I instinctively honked on the horn while putting some pressure on the breaks. I stopped a few inches short of it--the bastard didn't move the whole time--and hopped out to lecture it on road safety. It looked so cute that I whipped out my horn and began making anal love to it, while I belched out some notes from a horn I always carry around with me--yeah, I'm kinky like dat!

Jim: Dude... you are the greatest horn in history!
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Yell this at someone of any nationality and they will take it as racist.

Warning: Use with caution
Me: "You fucking whoreican!"
Stereotype of some nationality: "Are you calling ______s whores?" followed by actions which conform to the individual's nationality's stereotype.
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