1242 definitions by Dr Bunnygirl

A sure to be popular phrase inspired by the DOJ and AG Barr’s dismissal of traitor Michael Flynn’s case in which Flynn both lied about being in regular contact with the Russian government not to mention failing to register for his status as a foreign agent in Turkey.
Shit, who wouldn’t wanna be free like Flynn if we did something wrong, this fucker’s seriously a straight-up untouchable operative of Trump, Inc. which means his true allegiance is to money!
by Dr Bunnygirl June 24, 2020
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Trump’s affectionate nickname for Putin, that little gnome who causes so many people to mysteriously disappear.
She was living in Moscow until the Kremlin Gremlin spread his fairy dust.
by Dr Bunnygirl May 11, 2019
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A 1980s comedy starring Chevy Chase, Steve Martin and Martin Short but now more commonly recognized in popular culture as the Ukrainian debacle starring White House picks Kurt Volker, Rick Perry and Gordon Sondland.
It’s time for the Three Amigos to sing their way out of this mess!
by Dr Bunnygirl October 20, 2019
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An expression of pissed-off disdain usually uttered by someone who has reached the end of their patience rope.
Hey man, although you may confuse this with an invitation, why don’t you suck me, fucker?
by Dr Bunnygirl July 31, 2019
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A kinder, happier, much gentler fantasy world where people are not seeking to eat, kill, or own one another.
Let’s unplug from the daily news cycle for just a few moments and travel in our minds to Fluffy Bunny World where all these assholes are no longer in power.
by Dr Bunnygirl September 30, 2019
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A novel and humane electronic device that when pointed at the neighborhood dog will silence the little yapper for up to six hours at a time.
I’m really not sure how Yappitoff works, but in the push of a button the yapping little monster next door is suddenly just sitting there smiling this super weird smile - and it lasts long enough for us to get some sleep!
by Dr Bunnygirl May 14, 2021
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The involuntary noise emanating from the Grabber in Chief ‘s epiglottis as he tells a lie.
Many of us are now entirely familiar with the trumpsnuffle that accompanies the narrowed eyes and pursed lips as he appears to be thinking.
by Dr Bunnygirl July 25, 2018
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