396 definitions by Downstrike

The inhumanely arrogant practice of patenting naturally occurring substances and organisms, and those developed long ago by other people - making customary practices such as growing crops and conceiving babies patent violations.
Patenting human genes is an act of biopiracy that makes it impossible for Australian Aborigines and African bush people to have babies without violating those patents.

In the year 2000, the Indian government found it necessary to file 50,000 pages of scientific evidence against a 1997 American biopiracy patent on Basmati rice.
by Downstrike November 6, 2005
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A little, five-year-old Cuban boy who made headlines in 1999 by surviving the trip to Florida from Cuba in an inner tube. His mother died to get him to Florida, but she made the mistake of naming him a name that sounded far too much like the word, alien in English, and having him fathered by a man who would have nothing to do with Elián until being Elián's father was suddenly very patriotic.
If Elián González wasn't named a name that sounds like alien in English, maybe the feds wouldn't have been so obsessed with sending him home, or scared him into going back to Cuba by shoving an assault rifle in his face.
by Downstrike August 15, 2006
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A Progressive Rock band that is typically stereotyped by one of their albums that someone once listened to, when in fact some of their albums started whole new genres of music.
Listen to Pink Floyd on Atom Heart Mother, Meddle and Wish You Were Here and see if you don't hear the foreplay, conception, and birth of New Age Music.
by Downstrike May 29, 2004
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1. A religious custom. (See customs.)

2. An action repeated on a schedule.

3. A repetitive action motivated by a compulsion.
1. Judaism requires adherents to wash their hands as a ritual.

2. Employees are scheduled to wash their hands before returning to work.

3. Psychological compulsion may cause ritual hand-washing.
by Downstrike May 26, 2004
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CB slanguage insult or term of comeraderie derived from a slaveholder slang term meaning slave. See also gunnybagger.
1. Hey cottonpicker, you're also a nose picker.

2. Hey cottonpicker, how ya doin'?
by Downstrike May 29, 2004
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A Dyslexic way to spell and say, Dyslexia.
My friend Chris is fighting the negative stereotype that rednecks have of dyslexics, so we make light of his Dyslexia by calling it Slyxdesia. We had half of northeastern California calling it that by the time I moved away.
by Downstrike July 12, 2005
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