21 definitions by Dickie Moist

a loose stool with no lumps that is a light tan color and has a strong, offensive odor.
by Dickie Moist November 6, 2003
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fuck this liar wire bullshit, get me a patch cord that works.
by Dickie Moist October 7, 2003
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classic porn from the 70's and 80's featuring women with an abundance of pubic hair.
my boy dan likes to watch himself some serious bush porn.
by Dickie Moist October 7, 2003
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fecal remains commonly found on the inside of a toilet bowl after a bowel movement.

see skidmarks
damnit man, flush that thing again, you left behind fudge tracks.
by Dickie Moist November 6, 2003
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1. pop singer from robotech

2. a whore that uses men like toilet paper.
that bitch is a total Minmei.
by Dickie Moist October 26, 2003
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the act of leaving a bowel movement unflushed in a public restroom so as to let others enjoy it's natural beauty and splendor.
by Dickie Moist November 6, 2003
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