21 definitions by DANTE

Some word that Ayanami made up. I think it means "I'm a waste of skin".
"What's a greatlin?"
"Exactly. What the fuck IS a Graidlin!"
by DANTE October 5, 2003
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Some faggot who wears fake ears and a fake nose...fukking gothic troll
Mortiis looks like if someone animated a pile ov shit.
by DANTE January 13, 2004
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To fist a woman while Knockin da boots.
Dude, she loves it when I knockfist her in the johnny.
by DANTE February 1, 2005
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A complete idiot who's convinced he has street cred. Dumb enough to stand up to the twin sons of Sparda.
Cloud Strife is a total Initial C.
by DANTE April 11, 2005
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Masses cheesy grossness that accumulate around the foreskin of the poorly hygeniec and uncircumsized (smegma or dick cheese)
I would have went down on him, but it was covered in pecker cheese.
by DANTE March 8, 2005
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to rido or to be ridoed
we rido
by DANTE July 9, 2003
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An amalgamation between a "munter" (see munter) and a mattress.
Usually a large individual that should know their limits, and comedic for all the wrong reasons.
"Muntress is at it again..."
by DANTE May 8, 2004
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