687 definitions by DAN

Universe of Star Wars: A large orbital space station (the size of a small moon) capable of destroying a planet with it's Northen hemespherical superlaser. The first Death Star proved to be riddled with problems - it could not target capital ships and took many hours to recharge it's superlaser. Also, it had few if any laser turrets that were effective against snubfighters. The second Death Star overcame these problems but was destroyed at the Battle of Endor before it's completion. Note - the Death Star was designed by BEVEL LEMESIK - not the Geono-whatever idiots in Episode 2 of Kiddy Wars. George Lucas has messed around with the history so much he constantly contradicts that which he approved/wrote previously.
"That's no moon....it's a space station! <uncoprehendable roar, followed by prissy remarks from an unnamed source>"
by DAN November 2, 2004
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Marijuana bud sharing a common salvia or crpy strain that is usually more potent and "dank" then simply a cryp bud.
"This fire cryp is so strong man, im trippin' my balls off"
by DAN March 8, 2005
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from the southern region of Rhode Island- when a person presses on one nostril and blows snot out of the the other creating a shotgun effect.
This asshole got a little too close to me so I blasted him with the ol' Italian Shotgun
by DAN January 10, 2005
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A term to describe when a man gives oral pleasure to a woman.
John gave face to Shannon right after she gave him a beege.
by DAN November 10, 2002
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Refers to a great deal. Popular with whiteys who try and be black.
Dan - "I got some pussay last night bro"
Matt - "Sweet dealz fuck!"
by DAN January 18, 2005
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monette borigsay is a sexybiach
by DAN September 17, 2004
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above all, cool, better then everyone else
by DAN July 3, 2003
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