37 definitions by D-Monkey


A flashback the occurs in your sleep. It's like a nightmare except it's of a past trauma.
I couldn't sleep, I kept getting flashmares
by D-Monkey March 9, 2018
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He dicked me three weeks ago and I still can't feel my anus
by D-Monkey April 10, 2018
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An unwanted influence or physical effect spreading widely throughout an area or group of people.
The airborne disease spread pervasively across town.
by D-Monkey April 11, 2018
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A drug males take when they can't get hard
"hey where's the viagra?"
by D-Monkey April 10, 2018
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Something Gretchen from Bob's Burgers says when she's turned on by a cop
"Clean up, aisle my panties"
by D-Monkey March 3, 2018
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Bitch Snitch

Someone who snitches on people just because they don't like them.
OMG Candy stop being such a bitch snitch
by D-Monkey March 9, 2018
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