12 definitions by Cubby Cubster

When one is so sick of all of the massive exposure of the Kardashian"s marketing themselves that they just want to stay away from them or hearing about them in every way possible.
Don't put that channel on I will get the Kardashian Cooties......
by Cubby Cubster March 4, 2016
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Corona reality is realizing that you actually have failed at raising your kids to fend for themselves. A moms Corona reality may be that her ex is and always was a jerk and the kids are Entitled
I am so tired of finding my Corona Reality. I want kids that help around the house and are not so entitled !
by Cubby Cubster April 19, 2020
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WHen a woman or man puts so much makeup on that it looks caked on. Just like the Kardashians.
That girl is so cakemaked she looks like a clown
by Cubby Cubster March 24, 2016
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Someone who is known around town and flies above the radar but nobody knows what they are famous or known for......and having little to no talent..... Or a person that thinks that are famous and they are not....simply by who they hang around.......or a reality tv person at some point in their life. .......Facebook whore......who has so many "friends" and writes inspirational quotes, emotions and feelings......Ie: and known around town from Facebook
A neo-famous person can be a person who is, Facebook over friended, or over poster. Social butterfly who attends social events but can't really afford to do so. Someone who is known around town but has no talent and nobody knows what they are known for. Someone who had six seconds of fame on a reality tv show but is still clinging to that memory.
by Cubby Cubster April 16, 2014
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When a person is twerking and laughing so hard that they snort along with their twerking. It makes a funny sound that comes from their mouth, their throat, and their nose.......
by Cubby Cubster March 4, 2016
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Corona pretty is when we are quarantined us woman are not able to maintain our beauty routines. We can’s get our hair cute, done or colored. We can’t get manicures or pedicures. We cant get to the gym or yoga. We cant exercise like we did before and we probably are eating more.
I cant wait until this quarantine passes so we can end this CoronaPretty.
by Cubby Cubster April 17, 2020
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When Donald Trump is in a debate with someone or responding to someone's opinion of him, he throws a tantrum like a five year old kid and name calls.
There Donald goes again doing the Trump Tantrum.
by Cubby Cubster March 4, 2016
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