76 definitions by Cranberry Bob

Lateral cleavage is partial exposure of your breasts from the side. Also known as "sideboob" by the crude at heart.
My top was terribly skimpy; and it caused enough lateral cleavage to be revealed.
by Cranberry Bob November 17, 2019
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A make-out bra is what you wear when you anticipate that you will permit your guy to go to second base.
Heather decided to wear her red make-out bra in anticipation of tonight's romancing.
by Cranberry Bob April 8, 2020
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Crackaloo is a game where players try to roll a marble in a hole.
Leigh was the champion at playing crackaloo - attributable to her sexual prowess.
by Cranberry Bob December 9, 2021
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The naturally occurring cessation of a woman menstrating. It usually occurs between ages 45 and 55. The pause that refreshes.
Mary had her menopause recently.
by Cranberry Bob March 27, 2022
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Tom has gone Elvis on us.
by Cranberry Bob December 7, 2019
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"I hear banjo music" refers to isolated, dangerous places; with an allusion to the film Deliverance (1972).
We're really in the boonies. I hear banjo music.
by Cranberry Bob December 4, 2019
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A dyslexic agnostic is one who is uncertain as to the existence of dog.
Tom was a dyslexic agnostic: he was uncertain as to the existence of dog.
by Cranberry Bob May 18, 2021
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