Tonight, Tonight

One of The Smashing Pumpkin's best songs. Part of the album Alternative rock album Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness. The song is mostly known for its wacky music video based on a short film titled "A trip to the moon"
Some of Tonight, Tonight's amazing lyrics

"Time is never time at all, you can never ever leave without leaving a piece of youth"
by roundtwentythree August 12, 2009
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Anytime in the current day where the sun sets until the sun rises on the next day.
Bryan: Is midnight still considered tonight?
Patrick: Yes. Yes it is.
by Prock5908 November 28, 2016
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The best word you could ever add to a metal song.
by Fagbot and jessor December 27, 2003
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to label a girl as a tramp; to class as acceptable for a one night stand
"That girl aint hot but she is tonightable"
by Irish Bastard March 10, 2008
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Tonight's Like

When you write " what's good for tonight " on Facebook and everybody starts liking it but nobody comments and writes what's happening.
I wonder what's going on tonight, but I don't want to ask through Facebook cause I know I'll just get a bunch of Tonight's Like's.
by Gimaf July 6, 2012
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Bombshell Tonight

The phrase Nancy Grace uses to add a sense of urgency to every mundane detail that comes out about whatever criminal case she's been droning on about
Nancy Grace: Bombshell tonight!!! Casey Anthony paints her toe-nails in the Orange County Jail. To discuss this, here's three nobodies and a TV judge in four separate panels!
by HonkeyMagoo July 2, 2011
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Today Tonight

An Australian current affairs program aired on Channel 7 for people who like to see the latest goss of Dancing With the Stars and weight loss stories.
I was watching Today Tonight tonight, they unsurprisingly had yet another story on weight loss.
by fuckinqueenslander September 1, 2008
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