21 definitions by Confuction

To get clarked (murdered) by means of having a marble shot into the sidebone near the top of your nosebone penetrating into you head (simply bouncing off is sufficient if death and a murder conviction is the end result).
He's been up to no good around this neighborhood, he's asking to get himself marbleknocked..
by Confuction November 21, 2020
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To engage in a deviant sexual act with your family.
I heard Kevin was goaling with his sister last night.. Yeah dude, he's such a goaler.
by Confuction September 23, 2020
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Dreadfully diabolical in a very cynical way, full of selfishness and egoism to the point of laughing when your poor pet husky dog flip-flops down the stairs in confusion, or a hotgirl falls uncanny to misfortune. If you laugh at these things, this word describes you..
Are you really that monaiëchal that you would leave your son to walk in the pouring rain, are you fuct? what a monaiëchal sin!
by Confuction November 14, 2020
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Marijuana cigarette laced with tobacco and stuffed with a rolled-up cardboard filter.
I don't smoke joints without tobacco and filter - I only smoke bad joints.
by Confuction February 15, 2021
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To have cut off multiple fingers, very bloody, and have at least one finger left sticking up.
Don't play with that! you'll get ikey tikey!
by Confuction July 12, 2017
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Colloquial term for getting beat up or knocked out.
Timmy keeps talking trash about Scotty-B, he's asking the get himself banged-out in a hurry.
SCOTTY: " I'should go bang that idiot out."
by Confuction December 16, 2020
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A street slang term for a Ritalin & DXM cocktail with dissociative and hallucinogenic effects similar to PCP or some dirty ass MDMA.
Arn can come in Capsules or colorful tablets with stamps pictures and logos.
Arn is extremely dangerous because it is usually cut with other substances such as MDMA, cocaine, heroin or another psychedelic.
Arn is sometimes sold as other drugs like Ecstasy (MDMA), LSD, Ketamine or even PCP, so users who think they are buying these drugs often don't know what they're actually getting. Not much is known about the use of Arn and there are no reports of any deaths from the drug.
I got so high on Arn that I couldn't figure out where my feet were!
by Confuction July 18, 2017
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