44 definitions by Colder

The ability in RTS games to constantly produce units, keep a strong economy going, and build up a base. The opposite of micro, which involves controlling individual units.

In other words, keeping your money down (always spending it on units), your income up (by building workers to collect resources), and your army larger than your opponent's.
Zerg (from Starcraft) is a macro-intensive race, because of its ability to build units and expand easily.
by Colder September 19, 2011
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A common misspelling of merc, which means to beat up or kill someone. Used mainly in hip-hop and gang culture. Derived from mercenary, a soldier for hire.
Crip1: That nigga's a blood, imma murk his ass.

Crip2: It's spelled merc, not murk.
by Colder August 6, 2011
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A catchphrase made famous by the Dr. Phil m&m, typically spoken in a fake Italian accent. Very therapeutic as it can be used to describe any situation.
Man, my girl ghosted me and told me she needed some time to herself, turns out she been cheating on me all along

“Damn, it really do be like that sometimes
by Colder October 2, 2018
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The Most Valuable Player. The player with the most skill, who contributes the most to their team. Used mainly in sports and video games.

Unfortunately, this term was hijacked by retards who watch Jersey Shore, who now think it stands for Mike Vinny Paul or some shit.
Me: He was totally MVP during that game

Friend: Mike, Vinny, and Paul?

Me: *facepalm. I don't know why I'm even talking to you
by Colder November 23, 2011
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The colloquial usage of non-standard words, commonly used by "ghetto" and "hip" individuals. Slang is notorious for degrading the quality of a language, but yet also evolves it. In fact, most of the words you and I use were probably not in the first dictionary.

However, slang does not mean to sell drugs. Many think that in Dem Franchize Boyz song "White Tee", they reference drug trafficking using the word "slang" (I bang in my white tee, I slang in my white tee). Rather, slang (verb) mean to front someone by using slang words to insult them, and "bang" referring to gangbanging.
Modern language would be horrendously incomplete without slang.

Italian, Spanish, French, Portuguese, and Romanian are all slang versions of Latin.
by Colder October 11, 2011
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Euphemism for bisexual.

A term that implies a person is not quite heterosexual, but not quite bisexual. In reality, however, a "bicurious" person is really just a closet bisexual who won't admit it. We don't have homocurious or heterocurious, so why bicurious?
Friend: I'm not bisexual, I'm bicurious. I don't have sex with men, I'm just attracted to some of them.

Me: Oh yeah? So if I was attracted to women, but didn't have sex with them, what would that make me? Heterocurious?

Face it, bicurious is just a buzzword.
by Colder November 14, 2011
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Good luck have batman, a variant of GLHF coined by LifesAGlitchTV. Usually said at the start of a Starcraft II match to be friendly and sportsmanlike to your opponent.
player1: GLHF
player2: GLHB to you too!
player1: What??
player2: Good luck have batman
player1: Oh okay, you too I guess
by Colder November 2, 2011
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