3 definitions by Clyde Greentree

verb - To travel from one point to another in a methodically comprehensive way, stopping at many points to perform a task.

Portmanteau of "traverse" and "canvas".
The candidate travassed the Northeast from Washington to Bangor, stumping in every restaurant, post office and coffee shop along the way.
by Clyde Greentree February 11, 2010
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A person who refrains from eating anything with legs.
Everybody thought Billy was a pescatarian, until they caught him eating rattlesnake meat. "What? I'm an apodivore, not a pescatarian", said an incensed Billy.
by Clyde Greentree August 5, 2010
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A person, usually female, who has had a large amount of plastic surgery or other body modifications specifically for a job in the adult entertainment industry.
Barbara got a DD boob job, bleached her asshole, got her clit pierced and injected botulism toxin into her forehead, turning her into the prototypical porn clown. She is the epitome of the modern empowered woman.
by Clyde Greentree April 6, 2010
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