69 definitions by Christy

Jelly Braceletz arn't anything for parents need to worry about. They're just something that teens like to talk about. They're not sex bracelets, like if someone brakes another persons bracelet then you have to do whatever the bracelet means w/ the person that broke it. But, we dont really do anything...its just a joke....
Girl: you boke my bracelet...(its red)
Boy: you have to give me a lap dance now...
Girl: ha ha ha ha ha
Boy: (laughs with her)
by Christy March 12, 2005
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Something that you really don't want to do, or exhausts you
"Doing all this homework is like ass rape!"
by Christy January 15, 2003
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Someone who lives in the UP of Michigan
I'm a Yooper and it sucks living here.
by Christy May 29, 2003
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