9 definitions by Cassie...

Spanish for "that's what she said." You can use it in place of "that's what she said" and not many people will know what you're talking about, so you can chuckle to yourself.
Friend: I was amazed at how she just took it all in. You: Eso es lo que ella dijo. Friend: What? You: Exactly.
by Cassie... March 31, 2011
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A (usually defensive) phrase used when someone brings up something embarassing or something you wanted to have forgotten and you want to divert the subject from you to them
Devin: Hey, Carol do you remember that time you tripped and faceplanted right into my locker? ;) Carol: Why do you remember that?!
by Cassie... January 15, 2011
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Play on words of "date rapist." Somebody who rates people while on a date.
I went out with Chris the other day and I could just tell he was a date ratist.
by Cassie... January 23, 2011
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when one is excessively in the mood for phone sex
I was talking to Adriana the other day and all she could talk about was how phone horny she was.
by Cassie... February 15, 2011
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Community theatre with all roles played only by students in grades K-12.
I just tried out for the show "Alice In Wonderland" that StageStruck is doing. I hope I get in!
by Cassie... January 20, 2011
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*Cell phone rings* Oh, dude I gotta answer my S.T.D.!
by Cassie... January 18, 2011
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