13 definitions by Carnefice


The act of being manipulated specifically into believing that somebody (usually a crush) is in love with you, when in actuality they have no interest in you.
“Look at Malvolio, trying to impress Olivia!”

“Poor fool, he’s been Boxtree’d.”
by Carnefice September 24, 2017
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Dick Duelling

The act of yourself and an opponent perfectly aligning your penises and urinate as hard as you can, so that the two jets hit eachother. The winner of the duel is whomever lasts the longest, or manages to defeat their opponent by pushing their stream back.
Enough of this, let’s settle this like real men! Through Dick Duelling!
by Carnefice November 5, 2017
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The Narrative

A conspiracy theory stating that liberal & left-wing media outlets such as CNN cherrypick news stories in order to promote ideas of demonisation against “privileged” groups, such as mass shootings carried out by white perpetrators, and likewise embargo stories that contradict this point of view, such as rampant black-on-black violence.
“What? White Farmers are being murdered in South Africa? Why isn’t anybody reporting this!?”

“Because it doesn’t fit The Narrative.”
by Carnefice October 8, 2019
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Devil’s Appetite

To habitually and often uncontrollably chew one’s own flesh, to eat oneself, often out of anxiety or boredom.

Common appendages on the body that are subjected to the effects of Devil’s Appetite are the sides of one’s knuckles, callouses on the soles of feet and toes, and the palms of one’s hands.
“Michael, why is there blood smudged on your paper?”

“Sorry, I have Devil’s Appetite and sometimes I take it a little too far.”
by Carnefice June 18, 2019
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Vatican Syndrome

When a non-religious person visits a place of great Christian significance (such as The Vatican), and is so enchanted by the art and scenery that they consider becoming a born-again Christian.
“Seeing all of the statues, all of the artwork, I just feel like this place is *right*, you know?”

“Sounds like classic Vatican Syndrome to me.”
by Carnefice November 14, 2021
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An individual who is not Italian that is obsessed with Italian culture.
"Did you hear James went to Rome again?"

"I can't stand that guy. He's a total pizzaboo."
by Carnefice August 16, 2017
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‘COFFEE’ is an acronym representing the phrase “Chorus Only, Fucking Forget Everything Else”, used to describe songs that have no tangible substance or meaning beyond a catchy chorus.
“Have you listened to ‘Unholy’ by Sam Smith?”

“Are you kidding? That’s a total COFFEE song.”
by Carnefice April 25, 2023
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