65 definitions by COREY

He's my best friend, not only that my brother and he is a great basketball dominator.
Man I bet my brither Chiedu could woop your ass any day any time at your court with your ball.
by COREY April 1, 2005
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Sweaty lips. Labia with little or no ventilation will result in slips.
Judging by her wet crotch, I'd say she has slips.
by COREY March 24, 2003
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to enter ones penis in to a pumpkin
I put the pumkin in the microwave so when I douche wagoned it it was warm in sticky just like a real goat.
by COREY December 21, 2003
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the last name of ,only, the hottest girl alive...kayla
nice ass, big boobs, tight curves! total hotness...
by COREY June 19, 2004
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{goats ass} is when it feels like you have to wipe your ass all the time, or you spray mud and it feels wet after the wipe
i have goats ass and i cant get rid of it
by COREY March 23, 2005
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A phrase often mutterd by stupid people after telling them to move, shut up, or any other command.
Me:Hey, can you please quiet down, im trying to watch the movie.

Stupid person:Make me!
by COREY December 21, 2003
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a dick or dicks or people who act like dicks
he is a fuckstickor she sucks my fuckstick
by COREY July 24, 2003
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