4 definitions by Bradders
being forever the romantic, picking a girl up and shagging them in the local park. in october. up the arse!
by Bradders October 31, 2003
by Bradders October 31, 2003
(Otherwise known as Gross Turdman, Grey Hairman or Heat-a-Pantgerm.) This is a lanky bearded fish gobbling fart smelling pervert, who roams an area know locally as Toddingrad, stalking, leering and perving over unsuspecting girls, normally of non-British decent. Easily identifiable due to the constant scratching of the testical / rectum areas, and wearing odd shoes.
by Bradders October 28, 2003
you like to be a pokin yourself witha the needles, what can i say? He likes him some chocolate.
From crazy emo kids.
From crazy emo kids.
by Bradders August 29, 2004