6 definitions by Blakesflakes

Signing documents without reading them, as in the practice of banks and mortgage lenders whose foreclosure proceedings have been halted because the papers were signed without proper review.
Ex. 1:
Banker 1: "There's no way we'll get these foreclosures processed in time to make our numbers for this quarter."
Banker 2: "Don't worry, we can pull the associates in for a marathon of robosigning."

Ex. 2:
Dude 1: "Dude, someone just dinged your rental car. I hope you got the full coverage!"
Dude 2: "Dude, I don't know: I robosigned the application!"
by Blakesflakes October 4, 2010
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The slogan adopted by politicians in support of "lean finely textured beef", an ammonia-sterilized mechanically separated beef product popularly derided as "pink slime". The slogan should be ironically deployed in any context where something is clearly bogus, inauthentic, artificial, fraudulent, or counterfeit.
Dude 1: Dude, I wonder what's really in this taco "meat".
Dude 2: Dude, it's beef!

Dude 3: Dude, those implants are really obvious.
Dude 4: Dude, it's beef!

Dude 5: Dude, I think the whole act was lip-synced.
Dude 6: Dude, it's beef!
by Blakesflakes August 20, 2012
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People who stay on the cutting edge of i-phone / smart-phone apps, and who always have the latest app for any imaginable function downloaded to their phone. Rhymes with literati, glitterati, digerati, etc. Has the virtue of also being the Latin for apparatuses, which the apparati, of course, always have in plentiful supply to run all their apps.
Dude 1: "Dude, I just downloaded an app that organizes app-organizing apps according to the compass direction that points from my position to the GPS coordinates of ISP used by the developer of the app."

Dude 2: "Dude, You have officially joined the apparati."
by Blakesflakes September 21, 2010
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A person who engages in bullshit (cac) activism.
Dude 1: Dude, my girlfriend is raising awareness about endangered parasites at the Third Bi-annual Save the Tanzanian Tapeworm Conference.

Dude 2: Dude, your girlfriend is a total cactivist.
by Blakesflakes February 15, 2009
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A person who engages in bullshit (cac) activism or who supports ridiculous, useless, or nonsensical causes.
Joe: My girlfriend just got back from the Third International Save the Tanzanian Tapeworm Conference.

Tom: Dude, your girlfriend is a total cactivist.
by Blakesflakes November 10, 2008
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Someone who has been interviewed by Barbara Walters.
Barbara Walters: Good evening wadies and gentewmen, tonight we have a vewy speciaw convewsation wif a wowd-wenowned cewebwity. Pwease wewcome fiwmmakew Wobewt Wodwiguez.
by Blakesflakes March 19, 2009
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