
A Babyish form of please that works well for people who need something.
Pwease, do this for me Pwease!
by JC January 15, 2004
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A thing only pick me boys/girls use because they are desperate
pwease go out with me 🥺👉👈”
by Joe Mungus May 18, 2021
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pwease 🥺

pwease🥺 is mostly used by people who wish to guilt trip you. If someone does use it, you should say: "stfu"
girl: sorry, i cant
boy: pwease 🥺
by 🥺pweasee February 24, 2021
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a kid with a speech disorder asking his parent for a phone.
can i pwease have a phoneeeeeeeee mommyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy????
by hackb October 29, 2024
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