143 definitions by Bill cosby’s boyfriend

When someone arrives infront of your house in a white van and they give you free candy! I’m currently in the back of a van right now and I’m tied up and naked for some reason, but at least I get a Kit Kat bar!
Let’s go get in the candy van!
Last time I did that they tickled my butt, so no thanks.
by Bill cosby’s boyfriend June 13, 2023
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Robert: do you see those Africans covered in mud?
Wool heads: *jungle language*
by Bill cosby’s boyfriend June 5, 2023
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Something 4 year olds, and gingers do to pass the time.
Wanna have a tea party? Brendan said to his stuffed animals as he totally wasn’t just humping them two minutes ago.
by Bill cosby’s boyfriend June 13, 2023
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When you spray whipped cream all over a girls vagina or ass and than make sure your nails are sharp for the next part, you than stick your fingers into the girls vagina or ass so hard that it causes blood to spray out and than you use the blood for ice cream. You can also ask a girl if she’s on her period so she can bleed on top of the ice cream.
All I need left for the sundae is to put a Cherry on top, does any one of you have a girlfriend?
by Bill cosby’s boyfriend June 12, 2023
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1: when you go in the forest like a dumb fucking cunt and get eaten by bears and mosquitos
2: when you stay in a particular spot in a video game so you can get a buncha kills and shit
1: Jacob: do you wanna go camping
Kyle: fuck no
2: I hate these stupid campers in splatoon 3!!!!!! Said Brendan as he rolled around screaming in the patted room while hearing the voices in his to get over the accident… it’s been 3 weeks brendan…
by Bill cosby’s boyfriend June 9, 2023
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