36 definitions by BeardedFatass

(n) a lame excuse for obese pigs to claim they are on a "diet" while they gorge themselves with excessive amounts of fatty meat, cheese, butter, and lard

(aka Fatkins Diet)
I'm on the Atkins Diet. Yesterday, I ate a 12-egg omelette, 36 sausage links, a brick of Cheddar cheese, 2 jars of peanuts, 4 sticks of butter, a 32-ounce steak wrapped in bacon, a pork roast, and a can of Crisco for dessert. The only reason I gained 135 pounds was because I accidentally inhaled a crouton.
by BeardedFatass May 18, 2004
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(n) the fluid that oozes from a cat if you squeeze it hard enough
You thought this was going to be dirty, didn't you? Sick bastard.
by BeardedFatass December 11, 2002
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(n) a McNugget (also can be used in plural)
"I'll have the 10-piece chickenshit value meal."
"Would you like to super-size?"
"Will my chickenshit also be super-sized?"
"No, only the fries and drink. The chickenshit will remain the same size."
"Oh, I guess not then."
"What kind of sauce would you like with your chickenshit?"
"Does it matter?"
by BeardedFatass May 15, 2004
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1. (prep) multiplied by
2. (n) radio station that plays the same four songs every hour
3. (adj) used to describe an object that prevents work from being done
4. (n) the archnemesis of O in Tic Tac Toe
5. (adj) located between a Z and a C
6. (n) a strike on Family Feud
7. (n) a mark on a scholastic examination that indicates "Wrong answer, Dumbass!"
8. (n) a letter in a naughty word - most commonly U, C, or K
9. (n) a kiss (plural XX or XXX)
X. (n) the Roman numeral ten
1. 5 X 2 = 10
2. You're listening to 102.1 - The X! That was the latest from Linkin Park. Coming up next hour, it's...Linkin Park. But first, here's "Jeremy" by Pearl Jam on 102.1 - The X!
3. I just got a new game for the X Box.
5. I need to press the X key once to type this sentence.
6. Show me...potato salad! (X)
X 7. The capital of Florida is F.
8. I don't give a fXXX what you think about this fXXXing definition!
9. I love you XXX
X. 10
by BeardedFatass January 13, 2004
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(n) an online user who still knows how to spell and use basic sentence structure
> Hello.
> stfu n00b u sukc ih8u gfy
by BeardedFatass January 9, 2004
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1. (n)(obs.) the place where it is
2. (n) the place where it was
Has anyone seen Tag Team lately? Whoomp! They're gone! (Perhaps they're hanging out with 95 South.)
by BeardedFatass January 9, 2004
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