552 definitions by Bastardized Bottomburp

Non-sensical ramblings spurted on the internet by azns, net whores and geeks. Generally translated it means 'You Are A Suck', though this makes no sense still. The best translation would be 'You Suck'.
PongO124: I wnet 2 teh farm yestay! LOZL!
Yuriporker: Shut the hell up, fucktard.
PongO124: GRR!!!111 URA SUK!!!
Yuriporker: Shit man, get a life.
Pong)124: SHut teh fack uop, man!1
by Bastardized Bottomburp May 4, 2003
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The idiot versian of saying 'Ha. Ha. How very amusing.'
<bastard#1> This chatroom is gay
<completebastard#1> ROFLMCLAO
<bastard#1> Shut the fuck up, ballhair, go fuck your other 'net-whores.
<completebastard#1> ROFLMCLAO!!111
<bastard#1> Hoy...
by Bastardized Bottomburp March 23, 2003
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Plural for a bunch of things that suck.
Windows = Bugged
Mac = Useless
Linux = Why bother

If there were no problems and no viruses, Windows would be excellent.
by Bastardized Bottomburp September 17, 2003
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A machine designed mainly to play Solitaire and fix endless problems consuming time and money.
<Idioth> I got a computer yesterday!
<Idoith> Luckyyy!! How is it?
<Idioth> Great! Plenty of Solitaire and a crapload of errors!
by Bastardized Bottomburp September 1, 2003
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What you McLive if you have a McDonalds McFetish.
McBilly's McLife revolved around McDonalds.
by Bastardized Bottomburp August 31, 2003
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sad little fuckers who can't spell, or co-ordinate their fingers to type in a keyboard properly. See n00bs.
<AOLmunchkin> HELLO!!!111 lolz.
<FatTony> Well, if it ain't the stench on society's a-hole. How you doing, assbaby?
<AOLmunchkin> Wot?/
<FatTony> Never you mind your small, feeble head.
<AOLmunchkin> fuk u,, ura suk, u stopid fukhad.
<FatTony> And how.
<AOLmunchkin> brb,, i gotta go 2 teh tiolet!1 lolz.
<FatTony> How is that funny?
<AOLmunchkin> ura looser.
<FatTony> Says the unco-ordinated hick with a Mountain Dew bottle up his/her/its ass. Might I note that the Mountain Dew bottle is full of Mountain Dew. Painful enema, mayhaps?
<AOLmunchkin> fak u man

And then the assyness will continue into the night.
by Bastardized Bottomburp May 8, 2003
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A person who has a vagina on top of their neck instead of a head.
by Bastardized Bottomburp May 4, 2003
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