5 definitions by Baggers

The accidental act of one testicle slipping from your tight fitting underpants or budgie smugglers and being trapped between underpant and thigh.
Rushing to be first in the pool Luiz's poorly fitting budgie smugglers caused a rather embarrassing Chicken Crimpy to emerge that didnt delight family or friends
by Baggers September 26, 2014
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When you take the steel cage from a bottle of champagne and put it over the head of your cock and wilfully ram it into her pussy resembling a greyhounds muzzle
apparently, sally wasnt happy with his choice of $200 bottle of champagne last night so Stu banged the greyhound into her
by Baggers October 5, 2017
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When two strippers are fighting over you at the club for a $20 lap dance and you don't want to be rude and you think fuck it lets do both at once.
Chris couldn't work out which stripper to get a lappy from. He pondered should I take Jade or Jaguar? Fuck it two for forty.

If you're horny, let's do it
Two for forty
My saddle's waiting
Come and jump on it
by Baggers October 6, 2017
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Bog Hunter

The pain and itchyness caused by not wiping your arse properly steadily increases to a point where you can no longer resist grinding your fingers through your trousers and underpants in desperate need to gain relief.

People who do this are known as Bog Hunters as they are in desperate search for the shit stain that is causing the pain. A tell tale clue to a Bog Hunter is an almost continous supply of heavily skid marked underpants
Phil's mother remarked "wipe your arse properly you massive Bog Hunter I'm sick of your skid marks"
by Baggers July 25, 2014
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