80 definitions by Babydoll75

To move "full on" or full speed. Used a lot in the UK.
After the sales person caught Cassidy attempting to steal

some peroxide for her hair
the sales girl ran after Cassidy who ran full pelt down the street.
by Babydoll75 March 12, 2019
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Ainsley raced quickly to the bog as she had to throw up.
by Babydoll75 February 26, 2019
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When someone says something that's part explaining and part bragging.
Akira: So what you do is you put double cream and double sugar. I would know, I make the best coffee.
Ainsley: ...see what he did there? He's explained how to make coffee, and than bragged about it....that my friend is an "explainabrag."
by Babydoll75 May 15, 2019
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When a fad/person has been so overexposed, people have lost interest.
Claire stopped going to the nightclub, because the scene was so tired.
by Babydoll75 February 26, 2019
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Someone who suffers from Schizophrenia or shows the signs of having it. This person is often made fun of behind his or her back if s/he goes to high school.
"Look at Galen, he's such a skitz...Gaaaaaalennnn...do you hear snakes in the plumbing?"
by Babydoll75 February 26, 2019
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When something is really good, cool or very impressive.
Morgan: That's like my dream job!
Lane: Y'KNOW? I'm gonna make sick money at that place!
by Babydoll75 May 16, 2019
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"That dress Cassidy wore was totally tragic!"
by Babydoll75 February 26, 2019
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