138 definitions by B

1)a complimentry name you would call a very smart person which pays hommage to the briliance of the great composer himself.
dude, he's like wicked mozart...he got a 1600 on the SAT's
by B April 7, 2005
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a person who comes in fourth place at a skate competition and gets beat by a 9 year old
by B December 3, 2003
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An easy way to say "that's true" no matter what race you are.
Girl one:"That boy is sooo hott."
Girl two:"Tru dat!"
by B September 11, 2004
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when someone iz cool n can be trusted.
i heard u iz safe!
by B December 14, 2003
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À Leelou is a generally all around nice friendly and sweet person....on the surface! When you get to really know her , she becomes more arrogant but in the best way! She usually will reveal faces of herself no one ever suspected ! But that makes her even better as you can see the true nature of her personnality ! Even better as à girlfriend because she can act as your lover and tyour best friend ! You can never bé bored with her.

......also she maybe be a person a typo away from Leeloo in the fifth element
Leelou......that sounds odd
by B July 15, 2016
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a chill kick back person who likes to have fun.....
hey look he acts like barouir....
by B September 5, 2004
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A figure on either a male or a female, somewhat like a penis.
Im sorry, but that girls got a big goiig.
by B February 12, 2003
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