I was up in North side, driving by Pancho's and them Spaghettios were everywhere! There was more glitter than never never land.
by Auto the Ageless April 19, 2011
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A magic spell used by one Mr Nikocado, said to cool any spicy food down to a good temperature
by Bill domeson August 25, 2021
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skettios...m m mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
spaghettios-my lover, just in a can...better than SEX SAYS I!!
by muhhuuuhheeee May 5, 2006
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To be coerced into dancing with an older man who smells like the popular kid's food spaghettios.
Ah man, I can't believe you guys let me get spaghettioed.
by MikanVee December 31, 2011
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What to should whenever someone says "Uh oh"
Guy 1: Oh shit dude, that bullet is lodged in there
Guy 2: Uh oh-
by The Epic Panda November 29, 2009
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A guys little dick, that gives off little cum
i was going to give him a bj but he has a spaghettio.
by chicken nugget344 November 22, 2016
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to blow smoke rings out of a vagina during menstruation, using Kegel's exercises.
Becky blew spaghettios out of her bloody vagina to impress her potential boss, aka pimp.
by spuncealoo July 12, 2010
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