14 definitions by Artist Writer Carole J McCoy

An arteruption can be when your creative urges interrupts, erupts your plans with inspiration to create. Muse calls !
The artist was on her way out to a great event that evening, when she gazed an an artwork in progress on her easel, that pulled her in, creating an arteruption.
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One who is both a musical artist and a visual artist.

Prolific in both music and art.
There are some musicians like Joni Mitchell, who are both equally talented musical artists and visual artists, I call them a“RockStArtist “.
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Slang for one who is building or rebuilding infrastructure, to strengthen the infrastructure system. Like the Biden-Harris InfrastructureBill 2021.
Biden is about that “infrastructing life”, he’s building America back on a whole new level.

by Artist Writer Carole J McCoy November 17, 2021
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The changing of demographics by races, the growth of minority races, more biracial citizens in America.
Demographics in America shifting, becoming more racially diverse

If trump is counting on racism to sustain his weaking power, it is a fail .

There will not be enough racist babies born, to out vote the colorfication of our landscape which woll become more inclusive and democratic .
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Having a quality of zen and inspiration at the same time. Like that of subliminal guided, relaxing meditation, or a beautiful scene in nature than inspires wellbeing and calm.

I stumbled upon a zenspirational enclave while hiking, that motivated me to be more grateful in taking care of my health.
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A hater who amplifies his hatred towards, a person, place, or thing by getting other haters to participate in their haterism.
Trump’s haterized attempt to persuade others to dislike Obama, will fail, resulting in his own failed legacy.
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The act of consistency, relentless energy in action fervently.

Fervent, is without ceasing, with energy. Merging these two words (synonym and noun ) means double the power. #Ferventenergy
Her ferventenergy for worship was powerful.
Her ferventenergetics inspired the crowd to stand and roar, unleashing a powerful essence of joy.

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