14 definitions by AllTheUsernamesAreInUse

The country with the 3rd highest AIDS rate
Person 1: Have you seen Buttswana yet?
Person 2: Yeah, those AIDS rates are crazy!
by AllTheUsernamesAreInUse December 10, 2021
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A device in Smash Karts resembling dynamite with a timer intended to be thrown at other players to blow them up. A portmanteau of 'lob', 'grenade' and 'nuke'.
Why does everyone survive all of my lobgrenukes yet I get blown up by them every time?
by AllTheUsernamesAreInUse November 4, 2023
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Also known as Portland, the worst city in Oregon
Person 1: So, have you been to that Portland yet?
Person 2: More like Pornland!
by AllTheUsernamesAreInUse December 10, 2021
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When someone is too lazy to type in three letters to spell the word delighted, they say dlited instead.
Person 1: Wrong person?

Person 2: It came in I dlited it
by AllTheUsernamesAreInUse February 23, 2021
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Word for "was shit on", also meaning the US state of Washington.
Person 1: Hey, how was your trip to Washington?
Person 2: In Seattle I Washiton.
by AllTheUsernamesAreInUse December 15, 2021
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Robert Nevilis was a Nazi scientist who, in 1905, invented the torture method known as "homework". He invented this specially for children because he liked to see dumb kids get even dumber. He has been rated by countless historians as a candidate for the worst and most evil human to have ever lived, as his infamous torture devices are still used by his employees today.
Tommy: I have homework, and it's all Robert Nevilis' fault!
by AllTheUsernamesAreInUse December 15, 2021
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1. A blowjob performed in an empty lobby
2. The dynamite that blows you up in Smash Karts
Bill: Man, I just got a lobby mcjobby!
Tommy: Yeah, it sucks!
by AllTheUsernamesAreInUse December 20, 2021
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