175 definitions by Alex Quantashassle

"I had service last night."
"....at least it's safe to shake your hand again."
by Alex Quantashassle June 9, 2005
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The extreme & bizarre sexual act, where your girlfriend takes a good mouthful, and implodes, spraying semen-like dandruff everywhere. She then pulls on her nipples, and ties a noose and your neck with them, virtually hanging you. She them pulls her legs around your neck, reviving you. She then wrenches her thighs back, exploding pubic hair up your nostril. She then leans back and ends the whole thing off by making a limmerick about Amanda Vanstone and a giant lemon. If you haven't reached some form of orgasm by now, you're impotent.
"Yeah, that's what they all say."
by Alex Quantashassle May 28, 2005
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To have problems is to have a bad case of intestinal gas.
"Phew! Somebody in here has got problems!"
by Alex Quantashassle April 20, 2005
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The posh englishman's way of referring to the male private parts.
"Oh, old reginald's having a bit of trouble, is he?"
by Alex Quantashassle June 6, 2005
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When you're so excited about the person your kissing that you get a cramp in your leg and you're hobbling along, trying not to show it.
"God, what a bad first date it was. There I was, walking this amazing girl home, and alluvasudden I began to hobblesuck!"
by Alex Quantashassle February 12, 2005
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Noun. Army slang for the paths of descent upon an enemy.
"Roger Wilco, Samson. Our directory is oh-5-7-6-3-1-3-3-7. Would-you-like-to go grab a coffee after the show?"
by Alex Quantashassle April 21, 2005
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Exclam. Hello. A greeting. No answer is expected to what is inherently a question. Northern dialect has created the phonetic corruption awreet.
"Alright there Bob!"
by Alex Quantashassle February 13, 2005
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