6 definitions by AdMan Jones

A woman, or a man, who’s sexual adventures are motivated purely on stacking up ever increasing statistics.
“Does K really like him?”
“Nah, Alex is just another notch, she’s a shlong logger.”
by AdMan Jones December 28, 2021
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A woman who is usually homely and unattractive that makes the most out of sexual endeavors not knowing if the opportunity will ever again arise. The beast thoroughly decimates the penis through repetitive body slamming, all while acutely enthusiastic.
Alex : “I was desperate and driven by abstinence. I didn’t anticipate the consequences, I had no idea she was a penile pulverizer.”
by AdMan Jones December 28, 2021
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Another one of dozens of terms for male genitalia. Specifically Shvance is used to identify an individual who is acting like a dick.
Alex just cut me off! Driving like a Shvance!”
by AdMan Jones December 23, 2020
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A person who specializes in clitoris finger play while servicing a vagina.
Alex doesn’t last longer than 3 minutes, but he’s a mean Box Buffer!”
by AdMan Jones December 23, 2020
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A woman, or a man, who services the penis of men who are typically unsuccessful in the hook up department.
“She's hooking up with another total Heeb?! She really is a weasel waxer!”
by AdMan Jones January 1, 2021
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a style of persona characterized by repulsive manliness. Bad hygiene expressed through ones daily activities and/or language, all while being aware of ones self and not giving two shits.
Alex just dropped a deuce in that over flowing porta-potty, didn’t think twice about it. Kids’ scrotesque!
by AdMan Jones December 23, 2020
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