6 definitions by ANDWHaT!!!???

This guy Riley Wood will take your girl and all da hoes this guy has a massive wood.
Awesome guy overall 😎👍
That guy is packing dont steal my girl i beg he is such a Riley Wood
by ANDWHaT!!!??? April 20, 2023
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Sam mortimore likes food alot often found chewing gum all though he looses alot he is still a confident guy he is often found with random things in his bag like window parts and signs

He is also small
*Looks down*
“Hey Sam mortimore whats in ur bag?”
Sam:”stolen chocolate and a wedding ring and another bag”
by ANDWHaT!!!??? April 20, 2023
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Jamie Duggan has a small cock and likes children he is often found letting them play together im exchange for vbucks
That guys is letting small cock and children play together he is such a Jamie Duggan.👍
by ANDWHaT!!!??? April 20, 2023
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Tyla Vala is a nice guy a bit of a neek though he likes his work and doesn’t have time for the nyash or girls.
Tyla is a feminist and loves fortnite as well as his friends.
Overall he is a legendary guy.
Tyla vala is here
*looks down*
“Hey tyla have u stayed up playing fortnite again”
Tyla Vala”yeah man its so fun”
Nice one man”
by ANDWHaT!!!??? April 20, 2023
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Someone who is really confident and thinks they could have you and says:

The game is the game

He is small and but his confidence makes up for it😎👍
That kid does mma he is such a Kacy mma
*Looks down*
“Hey kacy what you up to”
Kacy:”mma the game is the game
“Riiightt whatever you say man”
by ANDWHaT!!!??? April 20, 2023
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Has sus photos on his phone of families he also moderates on discord.
He plays league of legends and is a master of fortnite and mma.
The game is the game
Did that guy just take a picture of me and my child and upload it to discord he is such a Liam Rigg
by ANDWHaT!!!??? April 20, 2023
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