11 definitions by 2 camels in a tiny car

The elf cock is something RPing fangirls and gay fanboys crave. Rumour has it elven balls are inside the body, but that's not true. Elf cocks are said to be long and thin - the opposite of a chode (or Barrel Dick as some call it) but they're just like human shlongs.
sexyelfgirl459983: w00t elf cock!
by 2 camels in a tiny car November 1, 2010
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The sound made when you pop your finger inside your mouth.
Bob: POPL!
Joe: That sound is so annoying!
by 2 camels in a tiny car November 19, 2010
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Balls/nuts. Balls are round like apples, and they're in the pants (usually), hence pants apples.
Joe has some huge pants apples!
Twilight sucked pants apples.
You called Ms. Stevens a bitch? You've got some pants apples.
by 2 camels in a tiny car January 6, 2011
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The flap of skin at the bottom of the ear, often pierced and less often expanded. More commonly known as your earlobe.
Kyle went to get his finglebop hole expanded... gross-ness!
by 2 camels in a tiny car November 21, 2010
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When you're drunk and can't think straight.
Dude, I just downed 11 beers, got a case of beer brain.
by 2 camels in a tiny car January 19, 2011
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