11 definitions by 2 camels in a tiny car

The sound made when you pop your finger inside your mouth.
Bob: POPL!
Joe: That sound is so annoying!
by 2 camels in a tiny car November 19, 2010
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Balls/nuts. Balls are round like apples, and they're in the pants (usually), hence pants apples.
Joe has some huge pants apples!
Twilight sucked pants apples.
You called Ms. Stevens a bitch? You've got some pants apples.
by 2 camels in a tiny car January 6, 2011
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When you're drunk and can't think straight.
Dude, I just downed 11 beers, got a case of beer brain.
by 2 camels in a tiny car January 19, 2011
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the most immature way to refer to a penis
boys make weewees from their woodle
by 2 camels in a tiny car December 15, 2010
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