The seagull manager flies in, makes a lot of noise, craps on everything then flies off again leaving a big mess behind
by Anonymous August 25, 2003
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Food that has fallen to the floor that you pick up and eat anyway
Chase was making a ham sandwich in the kitchen one sunny afternoon. Clumsily, he dropped a slice of ham on the floor, but picked it up remembering the 3-second rule, exclaiming "floor sample!". His mother shuddered with disgust.
by Titan McFoley December 3, 2012
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Sal: what are you saying to him?!
Rachel: i'm tease texting him and saying that i want him to drill my vag hahaha
Sal: lmao you're bad
by barnz944 August 18, 2009
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Heavy anal flow resulting from excessive alcohol consumption often accompanied with severe pains
Christ, I have got some serious beeriod pains right now.

I neet to go and have my beeriod...
by goosewing April 5, 2006
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Expressing oneself using several business buzzwords in rapid succession.
Alex released his synergasm onto the crowd, "At the end of the day, we have to leverage our value add paradigm by aligning our solution with our customer centric core competencies."
by matchlight July 18, 2008
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The act of abstaining from masturbation during the month of December.
"You doing drycember this year?" - guy 1
"Yeah its gonna be a tough one, my blue balls are gonna make it hard to walk" - guy 2
"I know how you feel mate, but tradition is tradition" - guy 1
by Jizzm26 November 29, 2012
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The internet analog of buyer's remorse, wherein one comes to regret having clicked on a link of interest after they look up at the clock minutes or hours later and realize that they have invested an inordinate amount of time reading an article, playing a game, conversing with someone, looking at photos, etc. which they would not have spent had they resisted the impulse to "check it out"...
Upon looking up at the clock and realizing he'd spent the last 2 hours choosing the cuter kitten after clicking on the link his sister had emailed him Danny developed a strong feeling of clicker's remorse for not having resisted the urge to click on the link.
by drbeer November 22, 2012
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