A scale used to amaze and confuse stoners and otherwise slow people.
Person 1: Dude, on a 5 to 3 scale, how high are you right now?

Person 2: .....WHAT?!
by 5to3 July 24, 2011
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Going commandtoe is when you wear shoes without socks. Often done in the summer or if no socks are available.

Does not apply to when wearing sandals/flip-flops because socks in that context would just be wrong anyway.
Ray saw it was a bit of a scorcher outside so he decided to get some air between his toes by going commandtoe
by Rob Vile May 3, 2010
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to act infantile and obstinate; to reject common sense in favor of self-interest regardless of consequences
"My, you are sure acting congressional today. Shame on you."
by Owens808 January 1, 2013
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When two or more parties have entered separate bathroom stalls at nearly the same time and deliberately delay moving their bowels so as not to be the one to break the often awkward and intense silence.
We had made but a single but profound error in making eye contact before entering our stalls and now we were paying for it, sitting a mere 3 feet apart, separated by only a thin metal barrier, undoubtedly staring at each other's shoes, locked in a treacherous game of brinksmanshit.
by Brodium Dudeconate September 22, 2010
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A person who joins the gym in early January because of their New Years Resolution. Resolutionists can be spotted by their pasty white skin, excessive fat, poor form, and blank look on their face as they stand next to any piece of gym equipment. Resolutionists usually migrate back to the couch any time from mid-January to early March.
"This damn Resolutionist has been on the Smith machine for 30 minutes. Maybe if he put more than 30 lbs on the bar and stopped taking 10 minute rests it wouldn't take so long. I can't wait until March"
by rKelly0137 June 22, 2006
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John: "Crap, I still don't have a Christmas present for Mary. ...I guess I'll just give her a New Year's present instead."
by hillary2016 December 25, 2012
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Used to describe the final moments of a given event, or situation where change is still a possibility.

Right before a deadline.
I procrastinated all night and now, in the 11th hour, I need to work my ass off to finish this report moments before it is due.
by Lig Na Baste June 10, 2008
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