Often qouted by Yosefinni-sama and Tommybish-sama-

'Touche me once, I'll touch you twice' means you will always one up the others, you will always be one step ahead.
Sub5: 'Shut the f*ck up or I'll beat the shit out of you.'
Chad: 'Touch me once, I'll touch you twice' brah.'
by tommybisho-sama October 8, 2022
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sawarasenai🥰kimi😸wa⛓shojo👻na💅no ✨bökù🌸wâ🧚ÿariçhiñ🤴bįcchī😾ńo😩osû🚣dà🎉yo💦
I wanna wanna touch you(r) body body body -
by Kaede Thicc tho July 28, 2021
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I thought school shootings were an INCEL thing 🤔 Hmmm.... I mean... That's not what I said. I said it was constantly being demonized and mocked.
Hym "The guy who is literally fucking the female version of me was talking shit so I'm going to outline the chronology of events. You motherfuckers stuck your finger in my face and twirled it around while saying 'I'm NoT tOuChInG yOu! I'm NoT tOuChInG yOuUuUu!' And then I popped you in the mouth by saying 'And I'm not threatening your kids motherfucker. I'm not going to come in here with a stolen shotgun. I'm not raising an army of hammer clowns' and what did you do? You stuck your finger right back in my face. And what would have happened if I had done something other than this? Huh? You would have said 'Well, clearly I played no role in that. I mean, yeah, he said he would do a thing if I didn't stop but I didn't think he would actually do it! It's not my fault I kept doing the thing I was told would get my kids killed!' I mean seriously. If I told you not to eat something because I KNEW IT WOULD KILL YOU and YOU TOLD ME TO GO FUCK MYSELF, WHOSE FAULT WOULD IT BE THAT YOU DIED? YOURS MOTHERFUCKER."
by Hym Iam March 30, 2023
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