When a girl wants something specifically, but is trying to keep her “my turn to choose” card. Do not make the mistake to choose the wrong thing.

In a two options situation:
Mathematically speaking there is a 50/50 chance that you choosed the right thing.

Statistically you improve your winrate if you decide to go for the thing you hate more.

Even if it is not the decision your girlfriend wanted you will earn a “I choosed this because I assumed you like it more” card (if used correctly it has a similar value like a “get out of jail” card).
Boy: We go to the football match or the opera ?
Girl: You choose.
by thailand_expat May 17, 2018
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Expression used by Ash when choosing to use his favorite pokemon, pikachu, in a battle.
by skydawg159 August 5, 2006
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asking somebody if they want to fight (fist fight)!
hey jerk u just called my wife a bitch.i choose you off.
by sneakystevep November 4, 2017
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Expression used by Ash when choosing to use his favorite pokemon, pikachu, in a battle.

Although usually one addresses the pokemon first, this phrase has been adapted in modern culture.
by dominatrixxx April 10, 2011
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the ridiculous condition of a winner politician who blames the former administrations, to justify the mere fact he is definitely unable.
Who does politics can choose the party to play with, the arguments to fight with, and the equivocal reasons to explain to the electorate, but can not choose the "favourite" priorities, budget deficits, environmental emergencies, and other embarrassing situations.
POLITICIAN: It's not my fault. The former mayor left a huge amount of budget deficit.
TV REPORTER (live): No, man: you can choose what you eat, you can not choose what you shit.
by logao November 4, 2018
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When you say something but you want to let the person hearing what you said decide what to use the definition as in one of those moments where the thing you say can be useful.
Dave: So it can mean changing the color of something, or to stop living. You choose.
by Stupid Af July 24, 2021
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And I will murder your kids if you don't give me what I'm owed.
Hym "You choosing to do what you're doing isn't me being the problem. And if people keep murdering your kids, maybe YOU are all the problem. My kids haven't gotten murdered. So, I must be doing something right. I'm not the problem. Doing push-ups hasn't made you any better than you are. You and the fat slob YouTuber ARE THE SAME THING. You're not better than me. They just aren't doing to you what they are doing to me."
by Hym Iam May 1, 2024
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