ya gay

self explanatory..response to an unintelligent or unfunny comment.
some jack off : hey man did you watch the womens soccer game on tv last night?

me : ya gay
by drewtheboss65o August 31, 2008
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ya mum gay

The insult used by only the most intellectual of intellectuals
man 1- fuck you
man 2- ya mum gay
man 1- curls up into corner and cries
by my name jeff xd March 22, 2018
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ya ma gay

Basically a middle schooler joke to your friends when your bored
Bob: “I’m bored

Joey: “ha lol ya ma gay”

Bob: “NO YOU”

Joey: “your dad lesbian

Bob: “XD XD your granny a tranny
by Ha.lol.XD.XD.ya.ma.gay March 25, 2018
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gay yas

A yas , just in gay . Often used in the LGBT + communities instead of a normal "yes". Sort of like an old insider. Can also appear as "yaasss" or in other variations. "Gay yas" in pronounced just as a normal "yas". Because gay people are just normal people. But yas is still cringe.
A: yaassss just got a boyfriend!
H: are you gay then?
A: yas
H: you meant " gay yas ", don't you?
by skittttels May 1, 2019
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ya mom gay lol

The greatest insult of all time.
But you always have to make sure that whoever you say it to, doesn’t actually have a gay mom lol.
Dora: you’re so mean I hate you so much, I hope your feet get fungi.
Boots: ya mom gay lol
by 69poo69on69ya69mom69 November 23, 2019
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