1. A collaborative Web site comprised of the perpetual collective work of many authors. Similar to a blog in structure and logic, a wiki allows anyone to edit, delete or modify content that has been placed on the Web site using a browser interface, including the work of previous authors. In contrast, a blog, typically authored by an individual, does not allow visitors to change the original posted material, only add comments to the original content. The term wiki refers to either the Web site or the software used to create the site. The first wiki was created by Ward Cunnigham in 1995
2. Wiki wiki means “quick” in Hawaiian.
3. A person standing behind the wicket in cricket.
2. Wiki wiki means “quick” in Hawaiian.
3. A person standing behind the wicket in cricket.
by 664 Inc. October 4, 2004
"wiki wiki" is Hawaiian for "quick". It's commonly used as word for online help- or manpages that everyone can change.
by Raistlin August 20, 2003
Onomatapaeic word describing the sound made when a DJ scratches a record back and forth rapidly on the turntable (that is, he rotates the record rapidly in either direction).
by kilkrazy December 30, 2005
by Gemelas Primos January 15, 2006
An essentially omnicontextual word that can be utilized in an endless number of ways, from being an exclamatory particle to an always convenient filler word. 'Wiki' can never really be overused, owing precisely to its almost infinite range of nuance, expression, wordplay and compound possibilities. It could be said to be the most versatile word in the English language.
"I totally wikied it up."
"That's pretty wiki"
"There's a wiki in my pants...how the wiki did that get there"
"That's pretty wiki"
"There's a wiki in my pants...how the wiki did that get there"
by WikiInMyPants September 7, 2009
A Spanish slang for having sex. Originated from the squeaking sound an old bed makes -- "wiki wiki." Word is usually used in reggaeton tracks.
by D-Rod860 November 4, 2010
wiki is a term for an unreliable person. with unreliable information
wiki is short for Wikipedia because it is often an unreliable source that your teachers tell you not to use.
wiki is short for Wikipedia because it is often an unreliable source that your teachers tell you not to use.
by C-man+2=C-men February 15, 2023