by butchcoolidge December 4, 2022
by kunal April 29, 2003
A poor needy person that needs charity. A villager is any dirty poor person in your town that makes you cringe and makes your heart bleeds for them.
The appearance of a villager will usually be mangy, dirty, scummy, whatever you'd like to call it.
Some villagers may try to do themselves up with thier second hand clothes but they arent fooling anyone..
You can still tell they're a villager.
The appearance of a villager will usually be mangy, dirty, scummy, whatever you'd like to call it.
Some villagers may try to do themselves up with thier second hand clothes but they arent fooling anyone..
You can still tell they're a villager.
by buckethead93 April 24, 2010
To defeat, demoralize, and destroy the opposition in a Sporting arena. Traditionally Village league Cricket.
by Stirling October 14, 2007
A Villager is someone that is unsophisticated, expresses few manors, steals food from others when a buffet is around the corner. A Villager is goofy, odd, a purple cow in the field of black and white cows. They make good friends all in all.
by Real_NoobToob May 4, 2020
The Villager bought a car.
by idkburgers May 25, 2019