The act if of sucking one's penis and collecting sperm in a cup and dumping it onto your partners chest and strapping to a wall and letting your dog slurp it.
"My friend volunteered to hippy vegan me last night" "Did you?" "No" "i would have"
by Rrrrect January 12, 2015
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"I am vegan. Veganism is the best.", he said. Then I kicked him out of the whatsapp goup chat.
by ligma21121219 November 17, 2021
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The belief that non-human animals should not be commodified, exploited, and/or eaten.
Aw man, I just finished my eighteenth bowl of hummus this week.”
“…Uh, do you subscribe to veganism, by any chance?”
by Hogtrude Parker September 11, 2022
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Whilst tossing a vegan males salad he tittyfucks his female partner.
Me and Tolliver did a sick ass vegan tit for tat on the autumnal equinox!
by reverenddogman January 14, 2021
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1. Something highly unstable, made to break, hopeless. Something held together merely by hopes and dreams.

2. Something that some people like a lot and others do not. (Everything is vegan pancakes.)
a) Man, open your eyes: Jill and Tyler's relationship is vegan pancakes. It's made to fail.

b) We spent four hours building this sand castle, but with the incoming tide, we realizes it was all just vegan pancakes.

c) Dude, my car is broken again! It's turning into a frikkin vegan pancake.

PersonA: Ohh, I love this painting.. The colors, the composition... the exquisite brushwork... It makes me feel things...
Person B: I don't know man. I just see a bunch of globs. This doesn't give me anything.
Person A: Huh. Well, I guess not everyone can love everything. It's all vegan pancakes. Let's go have a drink!

PersonA: Damn, it's getting chilly out. I hate fall. It's a drab wasteland of sadness that catapults you into the frozen misery of winter.
PersonB: Oooh, but the turning leaves look so lovely and the air smells nice and i get to break out all my sweaters and scarves again. Rain and wind... Hot cocoa weather! Not to mention: Pumpkin Spice season!
PersonA: Nah, I'm not convinced. But I'm glad you like it. It's all vegan pancakes, right?
by whatsthatoverthere September 3, 2015
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A style of hanging lifeless breast tissue often on display at ancient hippy gatherings. Also seen in certain tribal women.
Hey Zajonce - look at that chicks vegan pancakes!

Z: I'd rather not - they are hanging like week old balloons.
by Dr DF August 29, 2017
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