
valo stands for valorant in gaming.
Its mostly used by people who play valorant as a shortcut of the game's name.
You:Yo,lets play some valo.
by vezakas June 11, 2021
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Valo- When you become sick in the head and start living a alter ego that excels your own personal abilitys
by matters February 26, 2015
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The surpreme God of Dynasticists (see Dynasticism when its put on here). Very nice voice, face, and body. Generally everything a God should be.
"Oh my Ville/Valo!"

"Dear Valo, we thank you for this insert something you're thankful for here..."

"Praise Valo for insert something fab in here!"
by Dynasticist15 January 8, 2006
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Aggressive skating brand (AKA fruitbooting, rollerblading, blading)
Rollerblader 1: whatup? I see you bought some Valo's?
Rollerblader 2: yea they're nice
by Boarderboarder July 9, 2009
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Valo is the word light in finnish. Also the last name of HIM front man ville valo
Valo viikatteen taloja niittää
Käsi hamuaa lautturin viittaa
En osaa elämää syyttää en kiittää
Se jääköön en piittaa

Finnish to English translation
Light houses scythe mowed

Hand hamuaa Ferryman refers

I can not blame the life I would like to thank

That I am leaving I do not care
by KittyFinnGreek April 5, 2011
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hey do u know valo
yes he is a gay guy
by gv5by6 May 26, 2019
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ville valo

the only one that could break your heart,and leave you asking for more.
"...keep on pretending,it wont be the end of a craving..."-ville himself
by burning_aries June 13, 2004
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