by Nicole April 5, 2004
Someone or something that is as or more annoying as a new wool sweater or cloth when worn against bare skin.
by steele_is_more_cool_than_you November 3, 2008
by Dr Nizzle April 28, 2003
It really explains itself
by Binomial Nomenclature June 10, 2005
Oh god, Jake is such a tweed, every time he talks to me i want to run the other direction. I hate him.
by Becca the Rainbow July 11, 2008
by --=-=-=-=- June 8, 2007
A mixed drink containing 1 part orange juice, one part cranberry juice, one part lemonade, and as much vodka as you would like to add.
Invented in 2004 by Kebs in Alex, VA
Invented in 2004 by Kebs in Alex, VA
by Kebs May 25, 2004