Walking a long distance or at pace I.e because your late for the football "best get trekking or we'll miss kick off"
by Rainman247 April 25, 2014
Trek is a male specimen of the human race (not to be confused with Trek bikes) who is constantly obsessing over mustard and strategy games. He is always equipped with an extensive Spotify playlist which plays throughout the entire day (and year).
by Soully Poully May 28, 2020
A long task that is too much effort to make it worth doing. The longer it's stretched out the worse the task;
by Joe July 2, 2004
Slang term used in Ireland. When something is too far away, it's common for it to be called a "trek".
by mossiec123 July 3, 2011
If picking a good mountain bike involves requires choosing two of the following three - low price, durability, and lightness - buying a Trek is like getting all three and screwing up the rule. Oh yeah, screw Specialized, Giant, Duffy, and whatever other ride you're on.
by sk8terboi September 4, 2006
(n.) A long ardous journey by foot, bike, flight, or VTA. Usually accompanied by random outbursts of song.
(v.) to go on a long ardous journey by foot, bike, flight, or VTA. Usually accompanied by random outbursts of song.
(v.) to go on a long ardous journey by foot, bike, flight, or VTA. Usually accompanied by random outbursts of song.
Hey what time do you have to be home friday?
I dont.
Perfect, lets go trekking
I'm not lost, I'm trekking
I dont.
Perfect, lets go trekking
I'm not lost, I'm trekking
by Chris Pereira February 10, 2009