
Something or someone that is shitty and considered trashy.
You're a fucking trashcan.

That song is pretty trashcan status.
by Zebra the Moose April 19, 2017
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That chick is the neighboorhood trashcan! We all throw some junk in her!
by old dirty buck November 3, 2009
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Frantically completing something at the last minute.
Derived from the act of having to eat your lunch over a trashcan on the way to class after spending the lunch period hastily completing an assignment.
I totally forgot about that worksheet, and had to trashcan it; I got a 54.
by Henry Morris October 24, 2008
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A person who has no social life, and have mean looks on their faces. Ususaly people who are "ratty" and dont have a life
Hey trashcan!! Your dumb!!
by sarah hanlon October 25, 2006
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træʃ ˌkæn/
noun: trashcan
A mediocre world of warcraft player with only one glaive.
STING's trashcan rogue ,knifehat, still has shit parses.
by guthy September 1, 2022
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A guy/girl that has no social life, and also has a mean "ratty" look on their face. Usualy a person who is mysterious and just a random "thing."
by el bumbsbutt October 25, 2006
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The mouth is open as wide as possible giving the penis a moist feeling, but hardly any contact. Thus creating the trash can effect of a wide opening going on your dick.
She has the lips of an angel, but the mouth of a trashcan.

I once saw Megan trashcanning Casey, fuckin A, man.
by SirRoxen September 13, 2008
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